I am a beginner in skinning.
How to change the arrows in scroll buttons and the small design in the middle of the scrollbar(the one in Windows XP style)?
Published on June 17, 2007 By rookieinfotech In SkinStudio

During skinning, I noticed that I can't customise the arrows in the scroll buttons and the small design in the middle of the scrollbars(two or three light blue lines in the middle of the scrollbar as we see in Windows XP theme).

Can someone please tell me the way to change it?
on Jun 17, 2007
For the scrollbar arrows, in SKS, go to Controls > Scrollbars on the left side. On the right side, you will see the file for the scrollbar arrows.

For the "three light blue lines in the middle of the scrollbar as we see in Windows XP theme", in the same section of SKS, go to Scrollbars > Horizantal Scrollbar Tray > Horizantal Scrollbar Thumb-Small. Do the same for the vertical scrollbar.

Hope this helps
on Jun 17, 2007
Those Arrows are skinned using Controls > Scrollbars > ScrollbarArrows.bmp

The other is the Controls > Scrollbars > Vertical \ Horizontal Scrollbar thumb > Glyph image...it is a few entries down in the Scrollbar thumb attributes list.
on Jun 17, 2007
Dang...it wouldn't let me edit.

Anyway, for the scrollbar arrows, when you get to the scrollbar arrows on the right, click on the glyph image > scrollbar glyph image...those are the arrows.
on Jun 19, 2007
If you by chance are using the trial version of Windowblinds, the scrollbars will not be skinned (that's intentional).

I don't know if SKS free can tell that & disables scrollbar skinning as a result (I have always had an OD subscription), but if it doesn't, there are 8 images that comprise the scrollbar skin - the endbuttons (usually scrollbararrows.bmp or arrows.bmp), the endbutton/arrow glyphs (if used, not usually needed), the 2 scrollbar tracks (vertical & horizontal, usually scrollbarshaftvert.bmp & scrollbarshafthorz.bmp), the 2 "thumbs" or sliders (vertical & horizontal, usually scrollbarthumbvert.bmp & scrollbarthumbhorz.bmp) and the 2 scrollbar glyphs (often used, the "3 lines in the middle" of the sliders, usually scrollthumbglyphvert.bmp & scrollthumbglyphhorz.bmp). You can also have a glyph in each track/shaft image, but I don't think I've ever seen them used so I didn't count them.

The actual names will vary from skin to skin so you'll need to select individual images from the SKS preview or Explorer to see what they happen to be named.